Earlier this week, I took Addy to her first post-op appointment with her neurosurgeon. (She's already seen the plastic surgeon a couple times since surgery.) Nothing major to report... Dr. G basically just said she's doing great! He felt around on her head and noted that she already seems to be growing some new bone over the gaps left by the surgery, which is a very good thing. He mentioned that he is not concerned about gaps that stick around for a while, but if any of them get bigger or we start feeling pulsing flesh in the gaps (which would make the gaps bigger with the pulsing), that would be a problem. If she did have this problem, she would likely have to have another surgery (not as major) to fill in the spots with (I think?) synthetic bone. Fortunately, Addy doesn't seem to have any signs of these problems. Dr. G said they are pretty rare... only occurring in about 10% of cases. So far, so good!
And I thought I would also take this opportunity to post these pictures that I took a couple weeks ago, at about 3 months post-op. Addy is looking and doing fantastic!!
There's the cutie!
This is a very typical face for Addy... she looks so concerned sometimes.

Right side of the head, where the suture was closed.
Left side.
Left again. This is pretty much the only place you can obviously see the scar.

Top down. Left side is just slightly forward from the right, but overall MUCH more symmetric!!
And I finally got a real smile for the camera!

Showing how big she is getting by putting her arms in the air. Sooo big!

And that's all for now, folks!